Hi, My name is LeFAwn
If you would’ve asked me five years ago, where my health problems started I would’ve said that it all began with an acute illness that I never really seemed to recover from. Now, five years out I truly understand that it began decades before, with various physical and emotionally traumatic experiences that primed my body to go into cell danger mode/histamine intolerance.
I was able to heal my histamine intolerance, MCAS, gastritis, leaky gut, hormone imbalance, mold sickness, hypothyroidism, SIBO, and SIFO simply by practicing specific emotional regulation techniques and making a few temporary and some simple permanent lifestyle changes.
When I began to understand this, I was able to heal my histamine intolerance along with other chronic illnesses, such as hormone imbalance, mold sickness, hypothyroidism, PTSD, SIBO, and SIFO simply by practicing specific emotional regulation techniques and making a few temporary and some simple permanent lifestyle changes. As quickly as histamine intolerance had come in and destroyed my life I was able to be free of it. And I am so so grateful to have my life back.
Now, as a certified somatic practice and EFT practitioner, I’m here to guide you on your own healing journey. At Healing From HIT, I share science-backed insights, practical tools, and personal experiences to help you reduce symptoms, restore balance, and reclaim your life. Healing is possible, and I’m here to show you how.